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NOLA RICO Relocations

All According to Plan


Conservative movement favorite Bobby Jindal cruised to victory in Saturday's Louisiana gubernatorial election, winning 53% of the vote in a multi-person race, far ahead of the pack and avoiding a runoff election against a single opponent.

But Jindal got roughly the same amount of votes as four years ago, when he won only 48% of the vote and lost the governor's race.

There were multiple factors at play. The Democratic leadership in the state suffered their share of the blame for Katrina and its aftermath, potentially strong opponents did not join the election, and the race was never close.

But we cannot ignore the new demographics of Louisiana, as conservative policies made it extremely difficult for African-American voters to come home.

The Politico's report on Jindal's victory notes:

Jindal’s victory heralds the GOP’s further ascendancy in Louisiana, particularly in the face of sweeping demographic changes after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Massive flooding sent many black Louisianans, who often vote Democratic, fleeing [forced at gunpoint into relocations; then locked-out of projects undamaged by flooding /see Greg Palast
It was Huey Long who established the principle that a government of the people must protect the people, school them, build the infrastructure, regulate industry and share the nation’s wealth — and that meant facing down “the concentrations of monopoly power” of the corporate aristocracy — “the thieves of Wall Street,” as he called them. //= from
]   from the state to Texas, Utah and elsewhere. While the full political impact of the population shifts from the 2005 storms are still being revealed, it’s clear that Republicans are stronger than before.

Just before the election, conservative columnist Robert Novak observed (via Political Wire):

One underlying reason for bright Republican prospects in Louisiana's statewide elections Oct. 20 is the departure from the state of an estimated 173,000 African Americans, dependable Democratic voters, after Hurricane Katrina.

New Orleans is still 58 percent African American, according to a Brookings Institution survey, compared with 67 percent before the storm. But [forced relocation] migration of blacks, mainly to Houston and Atlanta, lost the recent Democratic hard core in Louisiana.

The Institute for America's Future August 2007 report, "Compounding Conservative Failure: Hurricane Katrina Two Years Later,"  [stop foisting the hoax - its been "(DELIBERATE) Incompetence" since the rigged butterfly ballots in WPB, the PDB on Hijackings, the foreknown 911 as the crowning achievement, aka 'the New Pearl Harbor' the PNAC predicted and prayed-for to 'catalyze support' for perpetual wars against a duped target ... the unexplained military anthrax sent to opponents of fascist 'Patriot Acts' consolidating corporate power in Reich aka 'the homeland'... and frequent alarmism to make infantile the comatose toob-fed sheeple...js zog]  explained how conservative policies have intentionally displaced Katrina's victims and distorted democracy. Here's a flashback:

With Karl Rove as recovery czar, no one should be surprised that one piece of his reconstruction plan for the majority African American, overwhelmingly Democratic New Orleans was the effective disenfranchisement of thousands of voters. The region’s electoral capabilities were destroyed in the hurricane. The conservative 109th Congress and Bush’s administration hampered the region’s ability to hold elections by legislating against repairing voting machines and hampering the effort to provide satellite voting stations for the dispersed New Orleans population in several states.

Dan Froomkin of the Washington Post laid out the motive: Rove’s leadership role suggests quite strikingly that any and all White House decisions and pronouncements regarding the recovery from the storm are being made with their political consequences as the primary consideration. More specifically: With an eye toward increasing the likelihood of Republican political victories in the future, pursuing long-cherished conservative goals, and bolstering [GOPs RICO extortions] Bush’s image.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson described the result: Louisiana and the Bush administration have refused to provide satellite voting places for those dispersed. They have refused to provide an absentee ballot to every displaced registered voter. They held an election with a secret voting roll in New Orleans.”

Ironically, the Bush administration worked tirelessly to obtain satellite voting for the millions of Mexicans living in the United States to vote in the Mexican election and Iraqis living in the U.S. to vote in the Iraqi elections. The administration may not be able to govern, but it does know ['know' aka rigging* see Conyers reports on Ohio, FL, as proofs, or
wherein the Ohio ballots have been illegally destroyed already, like the millions of illegally hidden White House emails... (how much time do you have?...) ]
how to count votes.

And although Karl Roves dreams of a permanent Republican majority have been shattered, in one respect he seems to have succeeded: With a third of New Orleans’ residents still living elsewhere, the diaspora is poised to turn the South’s one swing state red.

“Along with Florida, Louisiana had been different, a state where multiracial coalitions propelled Clinton, Landrieu, and Blanco to victories,” political scientist Tom Schaller has written. “The post-Katrina question is whether the black population will remain large enough for Democrats to continue building such coalitions.... Now, without the tipping-point power of the New Orleans Parish black electorate, Louisiana may well become the new Mississippi, which has two Republican senators and a Republican governor and hasn’t given its electoral votes to a Democrat since Jimmy Carter."

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