Voting Rights Act Nailed To Burning Cross
June 24, 2006 - Don't kid yourself. The Republican Party's decision yesterday to "delay" the renewal of the Voting Rights Act has not a darn thing to do with objections of the Republican's White Sheets Caucus. Complaints by a couple of Good Ol' Boys to legislation has never stopped the GOP leadership from rolling over dissenters. This is a strategic stall - meant to de-criminalize the Republican Party's new game of challenging voters of color by the hundreds of thousands. In the 2004 Presidential race, the GOP ran a massive multi-state, multi-million-dollar operation to challenge the legitimacy of Black, Hispanic and Native-American voters. The methods used broke the law -- the Voting Rights Act. And while the Bush Administration's Civil Rights Division grinned and looked the other way, civil rights lawyers are circling, preparing to sue to stop the violations of the Act before the 2008 race. Read More
All The President's Men And Their Fascist Minds
June 23, 2006 - The American fascist ideologist Lawrence Dennis argued in the 1930s that fascism was a world view that could be imposed by a movement, which did not have to really understand the fascist idea. In trying to comprehend the foundations of the Bush ideology, scholars and analysts linked the Bush ideology to fascist thinkers; ideologues of the Bush regime propounded fascist ideas, without necessarily claiming to be fascists. Faith, however, transcends ideas. Bush's religious faith stands above and informs his sense of unshakable convictions. Bush told Bob Woodward: "Going into this period, I was praying for strength to do the Lord's will." People close to Bush commented on how Bush talks about this: "Messianic idea of what he thinks God has told him to do? Read More
Dark Side - Still Burning
June 22, 2006 - Last night PBS broadcast "The Dark Side" a 90 minute FRONTLINE Special that dissected the conflicting interests within the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department. To the extent that FRONTLINE pointed out the mixed if not hostile loyalties, of the players in each branch of the government, the program was excellent. However to the extent that this 'special' raised any questions about the constitutionality of what was done before, on, or after 911 � that part of this program was misleading at best, and criminal at worst. No mention was made of the fact that the constitutional reason the "president" has the title of Commander-in-Chief, is because the founders wanted to insure that in a time of war this country would have a single person to answer for the defense of the nation: and that person was to have been the President of the United States of America � no one else. According to the program Dick Cheney was the man running the nation's response (which was non-existent). Read More
Steve Hammons Steve Hammons graduated from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, with concentration areas in communications (journalism focus) and health education (psychology focus). Hammons is the author of two novels about a U.S. Government and military joint-service research team investigating unusual phenomena. MISSION INTO LIGHT and the sequel LIGHT'S HAND introduce readers to the ten women and men of the "Joint Reconnaissance Study Group," their exciting adventures exploring the unknown and their missions to help create a better world. Both novels are available from the Barnes & Noble Web site and other booksellers worldwide. Visit the home page of his novels at the link below: ===================
Wildly disproportionate attack on Lebanon seems like pretext to confront Iran, says Linda McQuaig Jul. 16, 2006. 01:00 AM As Israeli firepower rained down on Lebanon last week, pundits here in the West wasted no time pinning the blame on — Iran."Iran and its radical allies are pushing toward war," wrote Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. Washington defence commentator Edward Luttwak weighed in: "Iran's leaders have apparently decided to reject the Western offer to peacefully settle the dispute over its weapons-grade uranium-enrichment program." In fact, Iran's leaders haven't rejected the "Western offer;" they've said publicly they will respond to it by Aug. 22. This isn't fast enough however to satisfy Washington, which considers the "offer" more of an ultimatum. Is it really Iran that is pushing for war? Think about it. Why would Iran want to provoke a war with Israel and the U.S. — both heavily armed nuclear powers — when it has no nuclear weapons itself? The U.S. and Israel, on the other hand, are very keen to attack Iran. In a recent series of articles in New Yorker magazine, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has detailed Washington's plans to attack Iran. Israel has called Iran a "major threat" that "must be stopped" from developing nuclear weapons. But the U.S. and Israel don't want to look like aggressors. They insist their intentions are purely defensive. Recall that Washington also claimed its invasion of Iraq was purely defensive — to protect itself from Iraq's arsenal of deadly weapons, which, it turned out, didn't exist.So when Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon seized two Israeli soldiers last week, a perfect opportunity arose. Since Hezbollah has links to Iran, presto, here was a prima facie case that Iran was gunning for confrontation.Did the Western pundits who quickly embraced this theory ever consider that the Hezbollah militants, as well as the Palestinian militants in Gaza who captured a single Israeli soldier last month, might have had their own motives for striking Israel?Certainly the Palestinians have endless grievances against Israel. In addition to four decades of Israeli military occupation of their land, Israel has attempted to destroy the Hamas government, which was democratically elected by Palestinians last January. Hezbollah's seizure of the two Israeli soldiers was probably an act of support for the Palestinians in Gaza, who have been under Israeli military siege since the capture of the first soldier. Hezbollah also said it seized the soldiers because it wanted to trade them for Lebanese prisoners held in Israeli jails. A similar Israeli-Hezbollah prisoner exchange took place in 2004. Abandoning Canada's traditional role as an honest broker in the Middle East, Prime Minister Stephen Harper unabashedly supported Israel last week, calling its devastating attacks on Gaza and Lebanon "measured."If Israel is simply trying to "defend" itself, its actions are wildly disproportionate. On the other hand, if Israel and the U.S. are looking for an excuse to attack Iran, the capture of the Israeli soldiers is as good as any. Linda McQuaig is a Toronto-based author and commentator. | Army intelligence analyst who questions official 9-11 story is honorable patriotSteve HammonsAugust 30, 2006 A U.S. Army sergeant, Iraq War veteran, Purple Heart recipient and intelligence analyst has been accused of sending an e-mail containing “messages disloyal to the United States.” The reason for this accusation? He wrote that circumstances surrounding the 9-11 attacks raise questions about the official story, according to published reports. Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell has served in the Army for 19 years and was injured in Iraq in 2004. He is stationed at Ft. Sam Houston near San Antonio, Texas. Outcomes of the charge that he wrote “disloyal” e-mails could include court martial, dishonorable discharge or other actions against him. If Buswell does have questions about some of the unusual aspects of the 9-11 attacks, he is not alone. MANY AMERICANS HAVE QUESTIONS Retired high-ranking military officers, experts in engineering and physics, former U.S. Government officials and many other citizens from all walks of life have taken note of aspects of 9-11 that, to them, raise reasonable questions. Even the co-chairmen of the 9-11 commission recently stated they were given false testimony by Pentagon and federal aviation officials during the commission’s hearings. Are all of these people disloyal to the United States, as Sgt. Buswell has been accused of being? Or, are they reasonable Americans, using common sense and normal intelligence to perceive the many disturbing circumstances about the 9-11 attacks. Buswell, like many of us at one time or another, has taken an oath to defend our nation and our Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic. In this case, he seems to have simply been voicing his views and questions, based on the many credible reports indicating that the official story of 9-11 is, at best, incomplete. At worst, some people say it was a plot by a group of insiders to purposely allow terrorists to complete the attacks so as to create “a new Pearl Harbor.” Such a Pearl Harbor-like event would create fear and anger in Americans, give current government officials immense power, allow the invasion of Iraq, dramatically increase defense spending and profits as well as other outcomes deemed desirable by certain elements within the U.S. and elsewhere, according to some observers.
In a recent survey conducted by the Scripps Survey Research Center at Ohio University, 36 percent of respondents “suspect that federal officials assisted in the 9-11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East.” DISLOYAL OR A PATRIOT? Buswell’s case raises obvious questions about not only the 9-11 attacks themselves, but also about Americans who see unanswered questions and suspicious circumstances. Are those who consider the possibility of an “inside job” simply conspiracy nuts, paranoid or disloyal to our country? Or, are many who raise these kinds of questions down-to-earth patriots who just read all of the available evidence and conclude that there is more to it than the official version? No specific government officials were apparently named by Buswell in his e-mail. He did not seem to state any disloyalty to current civilian leaders in office. He simply looked at the same anomalies about the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and concluded that something is not right in the official story. He seems to be analyzing the intelligence information and coming to reasonable conclusions about apparent inconsistencies. Of course, others do seem to have their own ideas about “insiders” who would have motive, opportunity and are psychologically and morally capable of allowing or facilitating the 9-11 attacks. Some people have named names of who might be reasonable suspects for involvement in such a conspiracy. But Buswell did not do this. His case raises many questions that we must wrestle with. If it turns out that certain government officials or others were somehow involved in the 9-11 attacks, will our country be able to handle the shock and disruption that subsequent legal action would cause? As individuals and as a nation, are we intelligent, courageous and honorable enough to get to the bottom of the questions about 9-11? Could the truth be so ugly and upsetting that we continue to deny the obvious, and tell people like Buswell that his analysis is “disloyal?” The time seems to have come when we probably should recognize that many of the 9-11 analyses like Buswell’s about troubling questions, inconsistencies and disturbing circumstances are legitimate. They also seem, in many cases, to be honorable and patriotic.
| |||||||||| 06/19/10047882.html
| By Curt Maynard Can’t you just see some producer at Fox News calling his friends at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, ABC, and NBC confidently telling them it’s time to arrest Warren Jeffs, the Mormon polygamist, who has allegedly been dodging federal authorities for the last few years? I can – I can see them calling their allies at the FBI, who have known where Jeffs has been for a long time and telling them, “since the titillating JonBenet Ramsey case is over, why don’t you arrest Jeffs now, and we’ll plaster his face all over every television in the United States, and over every front page in the print media for the next four months in order to keep America’s mind off issues that really do have some importance.” The American media is worse than worthless, I strongly encourage you to turn off your television and find anything else to do with your time. As a student of psychology, the only reason I watch the television these days is to see what the current propagandistic approach [spin] is on any given event and/or issue. Last week it was the JonBenet Ramsey crap, and now it looks like it’ll be Warren Jeffs for the next couple of months. I don’t care about Jeffs, and neither does the vast majority of Americans, but that doesn’t matter, we’ll all be forced to hear about him over the next several weeks because the media says that’s what we want to see. It’s a lot like the Mel Gibson case, according to a Fox News poll, more than eighty percent of Americans literally don’t care what Gibson said about the Jews, but we’ve been forced to hear what the Jewish media thinks about him every day over the last three weeks.[1] If you’ve been watching Fox News over the last month, you’ve probably noticed the pro-Israel commercial inviting viewers to call an 800 number in order to “show their support,” for the poor suffering Israelis. I called that number today, 800-225-1119, and asked the woman that answered if she knew of a similar number that I could call in order to show my support of the Lebanese and Arabs in general, she grew very quiet, so I hung up, only to have my phone immediately ring back, suggesting that these folks are getting numerous anti-Israel call ins, and they’re trying to intimidate those who don’t support the Jewish state. So I called them again and said that as an Anglo-Saxon Protestant, I loathe the Jewish state, recognize it for what it is, a terrorist state, and will never support them. This time, the individual tried to admonish me from a script she had undoubtedly been given by her handlers weeks ago – I hung up again, if I wanted to hear that crap, I’ll watch television. So anyway, I’m on the Internet this morning and reading [imagine that] an article I saw on the most excellent website, that was written by investigative journalist Stephen Webster of the Lone Star Icon, entitled “Under Fire! U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Targeted For Suggesting New Independent 9/11 Investigation,”[2] and details the story of an Army Sergeant First Class named Donald Buswell, who is being “investigated for using his government email account to send out messages that could be considered “disloyal to the United States.” According to Webster, the military is implying that this Purple Heart recipient “could soon find himself dishonorably discharged, court martialed, or worse.” So what did Buswell write in this email? I’m glad you asked, that implies you aren’t asleep. Buswell wrote the following: “I say Occums razor is the best way to deduce this ‘day of infamy’; if you weigh all options, do some simple studying you will see 911 was clearly not executed by some arabs in caves with cell phones and 3 day old newspapers! I mean how are Arabs benefiting from pulling off 911? They have more war, more death and dismal conditions, so, how did 911 benefit them? Answer: It didn’t. So, who benefited from 9-11? The answer is sad, but simple; The Military Industial [sic] Complex… It’s not a paranoid conspiracy to think there are conspiracies out there...and, it’s not Liberal Lunacy either, nor is it Conservative Kookiness! People, fellow citizens we’ve been had! We must demand a new independent investigation into 911 and look at all options of that day, and all plausabilities [sic], even the most incredulous theories must be examined.”[3] No wonder the military is investigating Sergeant First Class Buswell; he said the obvious, i.e. “911 was clearly not executed by some arabs in caves,” and that Arabs never benefited from the attack, something the media and US Government desperately want you to believe. Buswell’s real crime wasn’t so much that he believes the above or even that he used his government email account to say so, his real crime was that he had the nerve to say so out loud, to say the same thing that most patriotic soldiers already believe, the United States government is lying about 9-11! Sergeant Buswell is definitely a hero and patriot – I wouldn’t worry too much about him being court martialed and/or discharged dishonorably from the Army, primarily because the US government knows he’d make far more money and become far better known on the national 9-11 skeptics circuit than he will if they keep him safely tucked away in some dark corner at some insignificant post in bugtussle nowhere. The military will definitely attempt to get Buswell to do a “Mel Gibson” to prostrate himself and apologize for his statements and to say he really doesn’t believe them. They’ll threaten him in every conceivable way in order to force him to do this, but I doubt they’ll publicize this case any further with a court martial and/or dishonorable discharge. Buswell is a hero after all; he was wounded in combat and is the recipient of a Purple Heart. How would it look if the US government persecuted such a man? It’s been the government and media all along that have foisted the idea on us that Americans that don’t “fully support the soldiers,” by fully supporting the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, aren’t exactly patriotic – how would it look if the military were to court martial a Purple Heart recipient for having an opinion? Lastly, and what I find most interesting about this case, is that a Google News search conducted this morning, reveals that there is not a single mainstream article out there about the Buswell case, not one, except for one article out of Belgium.[4] Now how do you like that? If Americans want to learn anything further about Sergeant Buswell, they’ll have to read it in a Belgian paper. Just in case any reader would like to send the Colonel, Luke S. Green, that initiated the investigation of Hero First Class Buswell an email, here is the only private email address I could find on the Internet that belongs to the loser Colonel Green. [This email address was used by Green in 1997] Wake up America, you’re being taken for a ride. [1],2933,208025,00.html [2] [3] To read his entire statement goto [4] posted by Chris Womak at 9:06 AM | ||||||||||
- .../...This, along with the support of C-Span in broadcasting the David Ray Griffin presentation at the University of Wisconsin, and their now-famous double broadcast of the American Scholars Symposium in Los Angeles, have served as the initial breakthrough which is providing the required basis for inquiry on the part of the American public concerning the now-evident lies and fraud our government handed down to US concerning 9/11. The Associated Press, CNN, C-Span, and even my small town newspaper, thanks to yours truly, are breaking the story it's only a matter of time when some highly credentialed reporter and news agency uncovers a truly irrefutable "ah-hah" and the whole house of Bush cards will come crashing to the ground. The Bush criminals know it, they can feel the heat, so watch out Iran and Syria!
- Here's more from that article: "These men aren't uneducated junk scientists: Barrett will teach a class on Islam at the University of Wisconsin this fall, over the protests of more than 60 state legislators. Jones is a tenured physicist at Brigham Young University whose mainstream academic job has made him a hero to conspiracy theorists." It is easy to note the reluctance on the part of even these most recent inquiring journalists and their organizations have in terms of their difficulty in letting go, thereby reinforcing the fantasy of a caring compassionate government.
- And even so-called empirically motivated scientists display an overarching loyalty to politics, politicians and government bureaucrats thereby creating a stifling effect on objective observation, research and analysis. Such a "scientist" was identified in the CNN article as one F. R. Greening, " a Canadian chemist who has written several papers rebutting the science used by September 11 conspiracy theorists. 'It's science, but it's politically motivated. It's science with an ax to grind, and therefore not really science.'" No matter how many degrees this ignorant and deliberately uninformed individual holds, he will always be viewed by this writer as uninformed and ignorant. His "reasoning" is simply astonishing! And it is representative of the many credentialed so-called "scientists" and "educators" who are heavily connected to the government and government bureaucracies via grants and government funding. Rocking the government boat is verboten.
- All throughout scientific history, scientists have created theories, hypotheses and predictions in order to connect gaps in empirical analysis and observation. Such true scientists will grasp at anything offered as a possible starting point. How mentally shallow and unimaginative it is for a so-called scientist such as Greening purports himself to be to dismiss a hypothesis because it is "politically motivated"; and how ignorant is it to dismiss any and all scientific inquiry and investigation of an event or series of events because it may have its origins in a political argument. Think of Galileo and others who have been persecuted by government at the conclusion of an empirical observation that was viewed as unacceptable by ignorant politicians and rulers. This guy arrives at the same bias before it ever gets off the ground!
- The article also cites former assistant professor of mechanical engineering Judy Wood. Until just recently, she was employed by Clemson, always thought to be an institution of higher learning as opposed to a government propaganda center. Wood is quoted and says it all: "'If the U.S. government is lying about how the buildings came down, anything else they say cannot be believed. So why would they want to tell us an incorrect story if they weren't part of it?'"
- The article continues: "At Clemson, Wood did not receive tenure last year, but her former department chair, Imtiaz ul Haque, denies her accusation that it was partly because of her September 11 views. 'Are you blackballed for delving into this topic?' Oh yes,' Wood said. 'And that is why there are so few who do. Most contracts have something to do with some government research lab. So what would that do to you? The consequences are too great for a career. But I made the choice that the truth was more important.'"
- What we have in evidence here is a strangling, entangling alliance between our government and the very highest institutions in America. We have a MSM that is loyal only to Israel, on the grant-take government "scientists" and "researchers" who cannot speak out for fear of losing either their jobs or their institution's government funding, and a group of broadcast schlocks in the form of Limbaughs, O'Reillys and Hannitys, whose loyalty is not to America and its people, but to a political party not governed by any rule of law. It is the government that must obey the rule of law, and the broadcasts schlocks fail to see that our political parties and the government they control obey nothing but their own greed and lust for power.
- © 2006 THEODORE E. LANG All rights reserved
- Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.
- By the Numbers: Lobbying in America
- Barr vs. Rohrabacher On The Constitution
- Jack Cafferty: Just Do It!
- Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?
- 150+ 9/11 Smoking Guns Found in the Mainstream Media
- George W. Bush's Position ON Government Wiretaps
- News You Won't See On American TV
- The "Shock and Awe" Gallery (Warning Graphic Photos)
- Does This Man Look Drunk To You?
P.N.A.C. Uncovered | Israel's Deliberate Attack | The Demolition Of WTC7! |
| |
Bush Caught in a Lie
About the 9/11 WTC Attacks
President Bush has stated on two occasions that he saw a plane hit WTC 1:
There is a problem with the above statements. There was no live video coverage of the first plane hitting the tower. There couldn't be. Video of the first plane hitting the tower did not surface until AFTER the second plane had hit.
This Washington Times article states he didn't see the impact at the school...
...and this is confirmed by Booker Elementary School Principal Gwen Rigell in this Propaganda Matrix posting:
Even though Bush is not a very good pilot (he was taken off of flight status for failure to take a medical exam which included a drug test), it would be silly to assume that a passenger jet hitting the WTC in clear weather was pilot error, especially since warnings had surfaced of hijacked commercial aircraft attacking symbols of American culture:
If Bush really did see an airplane on TV hitting the World Trade Center then he saw that the aircraft was under control at the time, and he saw it before arriving at Booker Elementary because he was en route to the school when the first plane struck WTC 1 - a closed-circuit live feed to his limo is the only way he could have seen this impact on TV.
It must also be remembered that even after Andrew Card informed Bush of the second impact, by his own admission Bush knew America was being attacked, but he continued listening to the reading skills of a classroom full of children. Just think about that for a while. |
See also: President Bush's 9/11 Visit To Booker Elementary - The Full Story
What Really Happened
The Zero Tolerance Militarized Police State
June 20, 2006 - Mayor Ray Nagin's order that National Guard troops be used to patrol New Orleans is a method of law enforcement quickly engulfing major US cities as crime becomes terrorism and men with machine guns and camouflage become the vanguard of a militarized police state. Acting at the mayor's request, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco ordered 300 National Guardsmen and 60 state police officers to patrol the streets after five teenagers were shot dead in an SUV in a gangland style killing. Curfews are also to be enforced in addition to the militarized patrols, a flagrant abuse of posse comitatus and a frothing over-reaction to a handful of murders. Earlier this month, Cleveland City Councilman Zach Reed labeled some teenagers "terrorists" and said that "the time has come to make Ward 3 a police state and submit a true zero-tolerance policy," having been handed federal grants for off-duty police patrols and surveillance camera systems. The homogenization of common street thugs and drug dealers with terrorists has enabled the federal government and local government officials to enact dictatorial policies that would not look out of place in Fallujah. Read More
The New World Order, By Conquest Or Consent?
June 19, 2006 - On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate: "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." James Paul Warburg (1896-1969) was the son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Company which financed the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the government of Germany. A world government is a world without borders, national sovereignty, constitutions, privacy, autonomy, individual liberties, religious freedoms, private property, the right to bear arms, the rights of marriage and family and a dramatic population reduction (two thirds). A world government establishes a slave/master environment wherein the state controls everything. Read More
Frontline: The Battle Between Vice President Cheney And CIA To Control The 'Dark Side'
June 19, 2006 - Tuesday's episode of the PBS public affairs series Frontline will probe the battle between Vice President Dick Cheney and the CIA to control the 'dark side,' according to a press release for the show. "Amid daily revelations about prewar intelligence and a growing scandal surrounding the indictment of the vice president's chief of staff and presidential adviser, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, FRONTLINE goes behind the headlines to investigate the internal war that was waged between the intelligence community and Richard Bruce Cheney, the most powerful vice president in the nation's history," says the press release. The title for the show is derived from a television interview Cheney gave five days after September 11, 2001, when asked how the government might respond to the terrorist attacks by NBC's Tim Russert. Read More
Austria's Haider Says Bush Is A War Criminal
June 18, 2006 - Austrian right-wing populist Joerg Haider called President Bush a war criminal on Saturday, days before Austria's government hosts Bush and European leaders in Vienna. Haider, whose group is part of Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel's government coalition, said Bush's meeting with his European peers on Wednesday was pointless as he did not expect the U.S. president to pay attention to what Europe had to tell him. "He is a war criminal. He brought about the war against Iraq deliberately, with lies and falsehoods," Haider said in an interview with Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse. "The Iraqi population is suffering terribly. Bush took the risk of an enormous number of victims," said Haider. Austria's attitude toward the United States has worsened over the last three years, Die Presse reported. Read More
Telling Lies About Ahmadinejad
June 18, 2006 - Buried in the Week in Review section of the New York Times is an admission that Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad never said Israel should be "wiped off the map," a reference to a mistranslated phrase bandied about the corporate media over the last several weeks as an example of Iran's intention to attack Israel, especially after it develops nukes, either next week or a decade out, depending on the level of fanaticism of the neocon making the claim. In fact, Ahmadinejad never used the phrase "wiped off the map" in his speech. Instead, he said Israel should be "eliminated from the page of history," which is different than saying Israel should be wiped off the map. Point is, the corporate media, onboard with the neocon plan to demonize all things Muslim, will not correct the record, or will not give it the same amount of air play as the original misquotation. Read More
Thousands In NY Dying Of '911 Disease' - Uranium Probable
June 15, 2006 - What in the world could Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration possibly be thinking in appealing a deputy mayor's workman's compensation case to cover his doctors' costs in order to care for his 9/11-related illness? Wouldn't ya think that, knowing what they know, (wink wink) at the very, very least Bloomberg's office would pay his doctors handsomely to treat his "asthma" and provide top-knotch, skilled 24/7 nursing care to keep Mr. Washington comfortable - not to mention, uh, very calm, sedate, and, primarily... quiet? Penny-wise and pound foolish, oh Mr. Mayor. When deathly sick Deputy Mayors talk, Mr. Bloomberg, no doubt the press will be listening to his words - between the coughs, that is. With highly radioactive levels found at the Pentagon on 9/11, what would make anyone think any differently about the air surrounding Ground Zero? Read More
Corporate Media Lies About The Neocon Panopticon
June 14, 2006 - Once again, the Boston Globe feeds us a line of hooey: The administration has acknowledged eavesdropping on Americans� international communications without seeking court approval. President Bush has said the eavesdropping is legal because of a congressional resolution passed after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that authorized him to use force against terrorism. In fact, the neocons�it is no longer relevant to talk about Bush, as he is little more than a wind-up doll, albeit a damaged wind-up doll�are snooping domestically and it is disingenuous for the corporate media to go on and on about �international communications,� as if the government is only snooping calls going out of the country. Snooping is so widespread both domestically and internationally, the European Parliament produced a report some time ago recommending that citizens of member states routinely use cryptography in their communications to protect their privacy. Patrick S. Poole wrote: "ECHELON is � being used for purposes well outside its original mission." Read More
A New "Perle Harbor": Perle reveals US War Plans in the Iran
June 10, 2006 - One US carrier task force is already in position in the Persian Gulf. Two more task forces are moving swiftly to take up their positions in the Iranian theatre. The controversial neoconservative American bureaucrat, Richard Perle, visited Britain on the eve of the papal audience between Prime Minister Tony Blair and Pope Benedict XVI. Earlier in the same week, the Iranian Nobel Laureate for Peace, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, was in Britain to voice her concerns about a confrontation between the west and Iran. In London, Metropolitan Police swooped down on two suspected Islamist terrorists believed to be in the process of building a chemical bomb. Summertime tensions are building. In bland remarks delivered to a small audience of students at the Oxford Union, Richard Perle outlined the Bush administration�s response to the crisis of 9/11 and the neoconservative doctrines of pre-emptive war. In a droning monotone designed to anaesthetize his keen academic audience, Perle explained the need for an invincible American military apparatus. Read More
Propaganda And Haditha By Dahr Jamail
June 10, 2006 - Propaganda is when the Western corporate media tries to influence public opinion in favor of the Iraq War by consistently tampering with truth and distorting reality. It is to be expected. And it is to be recognized for what it is. On occasions when the media does its job responsibly and reports events like the November 19, 2005, Haditha Massacre, it must also be willing and able to anticipate and counter propaganda campaigns that will inevitably follow. It is to be expected that the responsible members of the media fraternity will stick to their guns and not join the propagandists. This piece is a summary of five most commonly deployed crisis management propaganda tactics which the State and Media combine that we can expect to see in relation to the Haditha Massacre. Listed in a loose chronological order of their deployment, the tactics are: Delay, Distract, Discredit, Spotlight and Scapegoat. Each of the five public relations campaigns will here be discussed in the context of the Haditha Massacre. Read More
War Criminal Nation
June 10, 2006 - Faced with mounting civilian carnage, both from war crimes committed by demoralized and broken U.S. troops and from the raging civil war unleashed by Bush's ill-fated, illegal invasion of Iraq, the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee has decided to waste another $50 billion to continue the lost war for five more months. Our elected "representatives" are so in thrall to the powerful military-industrial complex that no amount of American shame, pariah status, and military defeat can shut off the flow of taxpayers' funds to the merchants of death. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are costing hard-pressed U.S. taxpayers $300,000,000 per day! These wars are lost. Yet, imbecilic members of Congress are in the process of funding the war for another year. Multiply $300 million by 365 days and you get $109,500,000,000. These are not the full costs. The huge figure does not include the destroyed equipment, destroyed lives, and long-term care of the maimed and disabled. Read More
Zarqawi Killed - WANTED: New Mascot For War On Terror
June 8, 2006 - How will the US ever find a replacement on such short notice? Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida-linked militant who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings, kidnappings and hostage beheadings in Iraq, has been killed north of Baghdad, Iraq's prime minister said Thursday. Just in time to distract from the ongoing carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Haditha scandal, and the Council of Europe's report on CIA renditions. Even traders managed to captalize on his demise as an excuse to drive down prices in crude oil. Thankful for respite from the daily barrage of attacks against his administration and eager to gloat over the death of an arch enemy, Bush delivered a prepared statement at 7:30am to revel in Zarqawi's timely demise. But, now that he's officially dead, who will the US find to replace the all-purpose terrorist Zarqawi? Read More
Point Of No Return
June 7, 2006 - Dictators do not appear overnight. They must gradually assume more and more power over time so that the population does not realize what is going on, or does not feel it is worthwhile to object. But to maintain control, dictators "seduce" their population into greater and greater atrocities, over time. There is more than simply acclimating the population involved to the dictator's agenda. By tricking the population into acceptance of greater and greater atrocities, the dictator will eventually reach a position where the people will be too afraid to examine what they themselves have become. Trapped by the fear of examining themselves, such people turn into the most fanatical of the dictator's supporters. They dare not look at the dictator's evil for to do so is to look at their own. Once the dictator can trick his people past that point, they are his slaves. Hitler used this tactic. So did Stalin. Read More
George Bush Sr. Asked Retired General To Replace Rumsfeld
June 8, 2006 - "Former President George H.W. Bush waged a secret campaign over several months early this year to remove Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld," writes Sidney Blumenthal for The elder Bush went so far as to recruit Rumsfeld's potential replacement, personally asking a retired four-star general if he would accept the position, a reliable source close to the general told me. But the former president's effort failed, apparently rebuffed by the current president. When seven retired generals who had been commanders in Iraq demanded Rumsfeld's resignation in April, the younger Bush leapt to his defense. "I'm the decider and I decide what's best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain," he said. His endorsement of Rumsfeld was a rebuke not only to the generals but also to his father. Bush's intervention was an extraordinary attempt. Read More
The Insane United States Senate
June 7, 2006 - Amnesty-citizenship Senate Bill 2611 for illegal aliens stands for complete, unbelievable and unchangeable insanity! Our reckless U.S. Senate launches our country toward adding 200 million people from outside our borders. This bill will prove the disintegration of our nation, our way of life, our language, our sovereignty, our culture, our schools, medical systems and create an unsustainable society. "It's a sad day in America when the lawmakers side with the lawbreakers against law abiding citizens," said Ezola Foster. Senator Teddy Kennedy's stupid, moronic and infantile 1965 Immigration Reform Act added 106 million people to our county in 40 years. He opened the gates to a flood that grows by 80 million worldwide annually. What in the name of sanity was he thinking then, and now? That's the problem; these senators are not thinking about the kind of America into which they are drowning us. Read More
9/11 Conspiracy Movie Taken Off The Web
June 6, 2006 - Two French filmmakers, who accompanied New York firefighters into the World Trade Centre on 9/11, are threatening to sue the makers of 9/11 conspiracy web documentary Loose Change, claiming the movie infringes their copyright. Loose Change, one of the top downloads on Google Video and YouTube, is an 81 minute long documentary, crammed with TV news footage and still photographs, which alleges that the 9/11 attacks were not the result of terrorism, but a series of cleverly executed events carried out by the Bush administration. It suggests that American Airlines Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon, that the actual collapses of WTC 1, 2 and 7 were triggered by explosions, and that United Airlines Flight 93 did not terminate in rural Pennsylvania, but landed safely at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Read More
Distracter in Chief: Spinning Phony Crises To Avoid Real Ones
June 6, 2006 - What uncharted realm lies beyond brazen cynicism? A wasteland of utter shamelessness, perhaps? A vast Sahara of desperation, where principle goes to die? Someday George W. Bush and the Republican right will be able to tell us all about this barren terra incognita, assuming they ever find their way home. The Decider's decision to whip up a phony crisis over same-sex marriage -- Values under attack! Run for your lives! -- is such a transparent ploy that even conservatives are scratching their heads, wondering if this is the best Karl Rove could come up with. Bush might as well open his next presidential address by giving himself a new title: The Distracter. Let's check in on what's happening in the real world: Iraq has become a charnel house for the victims of escalating sectarian slaughter.
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Drill To Prepare Government For An Event More Catastrophic Than 9/11
June 5, 2006 - On Monday, June 19, about 4,000 government workers representing more than 50 federal agencies from the State Department to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will say goodbye to their families and set off for dozens of classified emergency facilities stretching from the Maryland and Virginia suburbs to the foothills of the Alleghenies. They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that my sources describe as the largest "continuity of government" exercise ever conducted, a drill intended to prepare the U.S. government for an event even more catastrophic than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The exercise is the latest manifestation of an obsession with government survival that has been a hallmark of the Bush administration since 9/11. Read More
Ex-Clerk At Center Of Voting machine Politics
June 5, 2006 - Emery County's former and would-be future county clerk, Bruce Funk, is many things to many people. To electronic elections giant Diebold Election Systems, Funk is a nuisance in an obscure rural Utah county who asks embarrassing questions. To the Utah Lieutenant Governor's Office, he is a renegade election official who put a pothole in the $27 million transition to electronic voting. To anti-electronic voting activists, the 23-year veteran clerk, forced out of office in March after he allowed independent computer experts to examine an Emery County voting machine, is nothing less than a martyr to democracy. To shocked computer experts and electronic voting certification officials from California to Pennsylvania, Funk is a whistle-blower who uncovered a severe security problem in Diebold's machines. Read More
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