On Joe's show tonight, he went off on Republicans that do not like him speaking out against this administration's handling of Katrina.
Joe: "I'm getting lectured from Republicans in Oregon, California, upstate New York, Arizona telling me I need to back off the President, I need to back off of #, I need to back off these state leaders. You and I are on the Gulf Coast- we know how these things are supposed to be run. This has nothing to do with politics..."
The Republicans are obviously worried that this Republican talk show host's point of view isn't following their talking points and is a real problem because he's not a Democrat saying them. Joe has been honest before (Schiavo not included) and is simply exposing their ineptitude that so many people are feeling right now.
Thursday, September 08, 2005 |
Brown's resume is a sham: "Now, an investigation by TIME has found discrepancies in his online legal profile and official bio, including a description of Brown released by the White House at the time of his nomination in 2001 to the job as deputy chief of FEMA. (Brown became Director of FEMA, succeeding Allbaugh, in 2003.)...read on" The problem with this type of cronyism is that many human lives have been lost at the cost of his appointment. Brown should be arrested on the spot for fraud. Allbaugh can pass him shanks from the adjoining cell. (Update): Kevin Drum has much more on Brown and the rest of his cronies."The story also notes a "brain drain" of experienced disaster professionals at FEMA's lower levels, "hastened in part by the appointment of leaders without backgrounds in emergency management." Wonderful....read on" 9:07:19 PM permalink9:07:19 PM | |
Max Blumenthal has this: Here's what Perkins had to say about FEMA in his daily newsletter, Washington Update: "There was a television show in the 1960's called F-Troop about an incompetent band of post-Civil War troops stationed at Fort Courage, somewhere west of the Missouri. Having been forced to deal with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other government bureaus these last few days, I am reminded of this sitcom, except this is no comedy. While the hurricane was an "act of God" the government response and relief effort on the local, state and national levels were failures of man....read on" As you know I'm no fan of Tony Perkins, but what happened this past week cuts beyond political lines and this picture is more evidence that Bush's priorities are out of whack. 7:29:36 PM permalink7:29:36 PM | |
TDS-oh so subtle, oh so sweet-and oh so visciously takes apart the idiots who are supposed to protect us during a time of crisis. Video-WMP BitTorent-WMP-fixed link 6:51:47 PM permalink6:51:47 PM | |
Is Judy going to Sing? Arianna has the latest on the girl in a cage. 6:23:14 PM permalink6:23:14 PM | |
Video-QT BitTorrent-wmp fixed Bittorent links Imus and his boys unloaded on Scotty. 6:16:34 PM permalink6:16:34 PM | |
Keith Olbermann Time Line Here are some Bittorent Files from 9/7: Keith put together a video time line that jumps back and forth between different days and shows the spin by Chertoff and others coupled with the reality on the ground. 4:29:21 PM permalink4:29:21 PM | |
On CNN today, from the Daily Kos diary: Nancy Pelosi just absolutely laid out a CNN commentator (Myra something-or-other) after the commentator's incredibly aggressive, adversarial line of questioning and b.s. rationalizations for why others are really to blame for New Orleans... Video-WMP BitTorrent-MOV fixed link This is a test of the first BitT. Let me know if it works. (Bittorent is coming soon for a test.) Nancy:"Myra...Myra....Myra, Kyra, if you want to make a case for the White House you should go on their payroll.1:54:06 PM permalink1:54:06 PM | |
Remember when Clinton's high-priced haircut allegedly... As Ezra Klein remembers, choked up traffic at LAX? He takes a look at what Bush did to those people in need of chemo.... 12:17:48 PM permalink12:17:48 PM | |
Nancy Pelosi I heard told Kyra Phillips on CNN to "go work for the white house if you want to push their agenda." ( roughly) I got it and will post it shortly. 12:13:12 PM permalink12:13:12 PM | |
It would be Nice ...if the compassionate conservatives at least knew the name of the Hurricane. 11:45:39 AM permalink11:45:39 AM | |
Shame on Rick Perry Gov. Rick Perry, in hurricane relief tours around the state, in news releases and on his official state Web site, has urged Texans to contribute to three groups: the Red Cross, Salvation Army and the OneStar Foundation.The last of those is a volunteer-coordinating effort founded by Mr. Perry. "One thing about politicians, you can never overestimate their shamelessness," said Fred Lewis, director of Campaigns for People, a group that favors greater disclosure of political donations and limits on the influence of large donors....read on 11:29:01 AM permalink11:29:01 AM | |
Dick Cheney: "Go F--k Yourself" Vice President Dick Cheney, in Gulfport, Mississippi on a tour of the Katrina hurricane zone was cursed out as he answered questions from reporters... Video-WMP Video-QT Tian has it mirrored also. Raw Story has the transcript: Off camera, a protester shouts, "Go f--k yourself, Mr. Cheney. Go f--k yourself." The camera remains on Cheney while we hear scuffling in the background. Cheney laughs it off, but there are many people dead that aren't laughing right now. 10:00:03 AM permalink10:00:03 AM | |
Floor Debate going on If anybody catches something clip worthy please let me know. Also, AmericaBlog has the latest Zogby Poll on Bush. It ain't lookin' too good. 9:23:45 AM permalink9:23:45 AM | |
Rudy Talking Points Memo: Giuliani endorses Charlie Winburn, Cincinnati mayoral candidate who says only born-again Christians should be elected to public office..." It's nice to see your "suck-up" attitude includes the Roy Moore school of politics. 9:13:58 AM permalink9:13:58 AM | |
Way to help Tancredo "U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., asked House Speaker Dennis Hastert not to send federal disaster aid to officials in Louisiana, calling state and local government there incompetent and corrupt. In a letter to Hastert on Wednesday, Tancredo urged the speaker to create a "bipartisan select committee" of members of Congress to oversee federal disaster spending in Louisiana....read on " Where's that bi-partisan committee looking into the handling of Katrina? Thanks for trying to slow down the recovery effort even further Tom. 8:23:10 AM permalink8:23:10 AM | |
Mike's Blog Round Up
12thharmonic Blog: America’s Battered Wife Syndrome
Petrelis Files...MS. ALA. evacuation plans: Poor? Car-less? Tough Luck.
Big Brass Blog: Leave it to the Heritage Foundation define "common decency"
Leonce Gaiter: Katrina's Full Deck of Race Cards
A security professional surveys the wreck: Truths Salvaged from Post-Katrina Debacle
NBC censors Kanye West The corporate big wigs didn't take too kindly to West's tirade against President Bush earlier today on the Concert for Hurricane Relief, so they edited his remarks on the West Coast feed. (hat tip Digby) 10:07:32 PM permalink10:07:32 PM | |
Shepard Smith and Geraldo Rivera were livid about the situation in NOLA as they appeared on H&C. When Hannity tried his usual spin job and said "let's get this in perspective," Smith chopped him off at the knees and started yelling at him saying, "This is perspective!" It was shocking. Video-WMP-very big file so I had to compress it Video QT Geraldo who I'm no fan of was crying, holding a little child up to demonstrate the extremely inhumane conditions these people are forced to live under. Forced is the right word because they are locked in the dome by our government and can't leave. Troops are guarding the bridge. This goes beyond political lines and it's as sad a situation as I've seen. Let's see all the happy politicians slap themselves on their backs after viewing this segment. Digby has more: This was some amazing TV. Kudos to Shep Smith and Geraldo for not letting O'Reilly and Hannity spin their GOP "resolve" apologia bullshit. I'm fairly shocked....read on Talk Left: I've never seen anything as harrowing as Fox News' Geraldo Rivera and Shepard Smith on Hannity and Colmes. While Aaron Brown on CNN said we have "turned the corner" on CNN, it's clearly not the truth....read on Tags-katrina8:43:26 PM permalink8:43:26 PM | |
Breaking News: Kanye West: George Bush doesn't care about black people" During the Concert for Hurricane Relief, Kanye West and Mike Meyers were celebrity narrators during the segment, West said: (rush transcript) Video-WMP-QT coming (video is still loading-sorry for the delay) Video-QT (fuller Transcript by Tracy& Eric) "I hate the way they portray us in the media. "If you see a black family it says they are looting if you see a white family it says they are looking for food. "We already realize a lot of the people that could help are at war now fighting another way and they’ve given them permission to go down and shoot us." Mike Meyers was floored... Tags-katrina6:43:31 PM permalink6:43:31 PM | |
FOX News Sill Covering for Pat Robertson's Assassination Statement During a news update during H&C on 8/30, Steve Centanni repeated the lie that Robertson tried to first skate with over his " hit man" remarks about Hugo Chavez. Centanni: " ...the U.S. should take him out. He later explained he meant a regime change and not an assassination." Steve neglected to read Robertson's whole statement which is here. Video-WMP Anyone saying that Fox has kicked Pat Robertson to the curb is sadly mistaken. This report proves that. Robertson had already apologized for his calling for the murder of Chavez by the time this report aired. 4:53:41 PM permalink4:53:41 PM | |
Reid Check out his response to the Republican's obsession with the estate tax. Seems to me we have a few more important issues on our plate right now. 4:22:49 PM permalink4:22:49 PM | |
Newt Blasts Bush "I think it puts into question all of the Homeland Security and Northern Command planning for the last four years, because if we can't respond faster than this to an event we saw coming across the Gulf for days, then why do we think we're prepared to respond to a nuclear or biological attack?" said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich....read on Ezra Klein: He's neither able to effectively deploy government or call on his friends outside of it. He's just incompetent, as I said before, a small man in a big office. He speaks the language of small government conservatism because it gets him elected, pushes big government solutions because they prove easiest, but is so separated and uninterested in the whole enterprise that the result is a wreck of incoherence and unexpected outcomes....read on Even La Shawn Barber isn't thrilled: "I’m ashamed of this country and its bumbling leadership today... Billions we spend, and all we have to show for it are four-day-old corpses on the side of the road, starving and injured people, and women and children being raped by animals who shouldn’t even be alive. 3:41:57 PM permalink3:41:57 PM | |
Jack's "tell it like he sees it" syle is fun to watch. Cafferty: Do you suppose, Wolf, that the arrival of the relief convoys and the political photo ops on the Gulf Coast happening at the same time were a coincidence today? Atrios has more of the transcript. Video-WMP Video-QT From AmericaBlog: Wolf: Jack a final thought before I let you go. Cafferty : It's embarrassing [followed by dead silence] 2:32:38 PM permalink2:32:38 PM | |
He didn't really say that, but it was a bad analogy to make. Seems this Press Conference should have been held a few days ago. Video-WMP Atrios :We've got a lot of rebuilding to do. First, we're going to save lives and stabilize the situation. And then we're going to help these communities rebuild. The good news is -- and it's hard for some to see it now -- that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house -- he's lost his entire house -- there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch. (Laughter.)...read on My father told me today that he hasn't been able to contact any of his friends down in Biloxi. Tags-katrina1:15:59 PM permalink1:15:59 PM | |
More on Mr. Bill and the Levees Craig Crawford :Before we buy the claims of politicians that there was no way to predict or prevent the sinking of New Orleans, it's worth asking how Mr. Bill knew?...read on And this Mr. Bill Tapped to Help Save La. Swamps (hat tip Booman Tribune) 10:45:32 AM permalink10:45:32 AM | |
Wexler urged Bush to fire Michael Brown as FEMA head in January U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla) has urged President Bush to fire Michael Brown as undersecretary of the Homeland Security Department in charge of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Foreshadowing! 10:40:28 AM permalink10:40:28 AM | |
Mayor Nagin speaks out Listen here.... 9:29:52 AM permalink9:29:52 AM | |
Mike's Blog Round up Steve has the flipping and flopping of Speaker Hastert. That Colored Fella has some thoughts on New Orleans, Wall St., and gas prices. 9:16:55 AM permalink9:16:55 AM | |
Paula Zahn and Mike Brown AmericaBlog provides this info: Paula Zahn: How can it be that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of victims have not received any food and water more than 100 hours after Katrina hit I will tell you this though, every person in that convention center, we just learned about that today. And so I had directed that we have all available resources to get to that convention center to make certain that they have the food and water, the medical care they need... Video-WMP-(compressed a bit small) 9:10:15 AM permalink9:10:15 AM | |
NPR interviews Michael Chertoff EmailerJenny: "NPR's Robert Siegel interviews Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff about Katrina. It was pretty incredible, with Chertoff avoiding the questions and Siegel really going after him. questions Chertoff about the lack of effort." Audio-mp3 Listen to the whole interview here 9:05:22 AM permalink9:05:22 AM | |
Ted Koppel and Michael Brown
Ted Koppel interviewed Michael Brown, head of FEMA on Nightline. He had no interest in the spin, and began at least five questions with "With all due respect Mr Brown, but..." Koppel is leading the growing chorus of speaking truth to power. (At last.)
Loose transcript:
Ted: We've been reporting on the crisis at the Convention Center for alot longer than just today, but you say that you only heard about it today?"
AmericaBlog has more on the interview and some transcripts...
(Hat Tip Chris from Daily Kos for the video)
Tags-katrina8:56:31 AM pe
Bill Maher: George Must Go Bill used his "New Rules" segment to blast President Bush and told him it's time to go. Video-WMP Video-QT Bittorrent-WMP Bittorent-QT It's so easy to parody his screw ups and Maher does it easily. Bill promotes the idea of a California recall election. He likes Gary Coleman. I'm leaning towards Mary Carey myself. 12:14:34 PM permalink12:14:34 PM | |
Anyone Can Whistle(blow) David's got the goods: "A staff attorney with the Texas secretary of state said yesterday that she was fired this week for violating press protocols when she spoke to a Washington Post reporter who was working on a story about presidential adviser Karl Rove." Land sakes! Do we have a "whistleblower"?...read on 11:36:47 AM permalink11:36:47 AM | |
Barbara Walters interviewed Powell on Friday night. He talked about his role in the run-up to the war in Iraq. Video-WMP (other formats coming later) Video-QT Bittorent-WMP Bittorent-QT Powell: There were some people in the intelligence community who knew at that time that some of these sources were not good, and shouldn't be relied upon, and they didn't speak up. That devastated me." Powell blamed his speech to the U.N. on intelligence that people in the Intel community withheld from him. Give me a break. FAIR has some analysis disputing that. Powell did offer up an intersting tidbit about loyalty. This administration values loyalty over leadership to such a fault that lives are held in the balance... 10:48:13 AM permalink10:48:13 AM | |
Gonzales on the court? John says: "And the best part, White House allies are calling the religious right "misguided and ill-informed." That's what I've been saying all along. That's scary. 10:09:19 AM permalink10:09:19 AM | |
CNN Wins Case Judge supports CNN's request to cover Katrina's toll (hat tip dsurface) Hopefully that toll won't be as high as we feared. 8:44:21 AM permalink8:44:21 AM | |
To Fire Brown or not to fire Brown DC Media Girl has the showdown between Power Line and Malkin. 8:01:03 AM permalink8:01:03 AM | |
James Wolcott From Blame Game to Numbers Game 7:57:14 AM permalink7:57:14 AM | |
Mike's Blog Round Up
IntoxiNation: NewsMax spins and gets busted.
Attytood: How do you know that the Bushistas are finally taking the situation in New Orleans seriously? They're sending in the private mercenaries -- the very same folks they've called on to do the dirty work in Iraq.
Fo'shizzle G.Wizzle. Booman Tribune has some excellent rappin' up
Over at DAYS , Jed reads the NY Daily News "letters" section and scratches his head.
Crimes of the State: BushCo. Nukes New Orleans
MoxieGrrrl.com: This is Why I Love Al Gore
aturday, September 10, 2005
Sunday Morning Talk Let me know if there's anything clip worthy please. You'll notice the "Blue" headlines now. I fixed the RSS feed and that's how the headline looks. I'm hoping to be able to change it... 10:57:39 PM permalink10:57:39 PM | |
Crescent Connection Bridge Digby has more on the barricading of the bridge: "They imprisoned those poor people in a catastrophic disaster area with no food and water because they were afraid of them. What a bunch of chickenshits....read on" 10:33:27 PM permalink10:33:27 PM | |
Chief Justice Rehnquist Talk Left has some interesting news about Chief Justice Rehnquist. 10:23:27 PM permalink10:23:27 PM | |
Tancredo was on to Something A Pentagon planning document being updated to reflect the doctrine of pre-emption declared by When you are fighting religious fanatics, how will threatening them with nukes help the situation? Do they really think pulling out bigger guns is going to accomplish anything other than to create a new strain of extremism ten times worse than it is now. 10:12:53 PM permalink10:12:53 PM | |
Gretna's Choice Gretna's Bridge Shepard Smith reported this last week I believe in his spot on H&C. He kept saying that the police were blocking people from crossing the bridge while Geraldo told us that the people were locked in the Center. Talk about a horror show. Atrios posted this NY Times story: "Police agencies to the south of New Orleans were so fearful of the crowds trying to leave the city after Hurricane Katrina that they sealed a crucial bridge over the Mississippi River and turned back hundreds of desperate evacuees, two paramedics who were in the crowd said...." TpmCafe: "My advice for the Congressional commission which will investigate into how the Hurricane Katrina disaster was handled in New Orleans: don’t forget to pay a visit to the Chief of the Police of the city of Gretna, across the Mississippi river bridge....read on" Property over life? 4:51:39 PM permalink4:51:39 PM | |
You Think It's Getting Better? You Think It's Getting Better? Emailer Susan: I live in Lafayette, LA and FEMA has just opened up an office 11 days after the storm. They have no computers with Internet access and no money for the thousands of evacuees here. Here is today’s story in our local paper. “FEMA arrives empty-handed” Our evacuees have been neglected. The first night the Cajundome Convention Center was opened for the homeless, they had no cots, bedding, or clothes for the people. Days later, a Red Cross trailer was found on the site that contained cots. Red Cross had dropped it off and not notified anyone. Here is the link to that story “'Dome director: Residents were failed” 4:37:34 PM permalink4:37:34 PM | |
Bush's Poll Number sink again Bush's Poll Number sink again I don't think playing guitar went over too well. 38% approval rating, but who looks at poll numbers anyway... 3:08:52 PM permalink3:08:52 PM | |
Islamo-Symbolism When Charles Johnson sleeps at night, what does he see? JC has the answer. It's something about a giant Islamic red crescent. This wingnut, the Therapist has his own weird take. 1:08:08 PM permalink1:08:08 PM | |
Bill used his "New Rules" segment to blast President Bush and told him it's time to go. Video-WMP Video-QT Bittorrent-WMP Bittorent-QT It's so easy to parody his screw ups and Maher does it easily. Bill promotes the idea of a California recall election. He likes Gary Coleman. I'm leaning towards Mary Carey myself. 12:14:34 PM permalink12:14:34 PM | |
Anyone Can Whistle(blow) David's got the goods: "A staff attorney with the Texas secretary of state said yesterday that she was fired this week for violating press protocols when she spoke to a Washington Post reporter who was working on a story about presidential adviser Karl Rove." Land sakes! Do we have a "whistleblower"?...read on 11:36:47 AM permalink11:36:47 AM | |
Barbara Walters interviewed Powell on Friday night. He talked about his role in the run-up to the war in Iraq. Video-WMP (other formats coming later) Video-QT Bittorent-WMP Bittorent-QT Powell: There were some people in the intelligence community who knew at that time that some of these sources were not good, and shouldn't be relied upon, and they didn't speak up. That devastated me." Powell blamed his speech to the U.N. on intelligence that people in the Intel community withheld from him. Give me a break. FAIR has some analysis disputing that. Powell did offer up an intersting tidbit about loyalty. This administration values loyalty over leadership to such a fault that lives are held in the balance... 10:48:13 AM permalink10:48:13 AM | |
Gonzales on the court? John says: "And the best part, White House allies are calling the religious right "misguided and ill-informed." That's what I've been saying all along. That's scary. 10:09:19 AM permalink10:09:19 AM | |
CNN Wins Case Judge supports CNN's request to cover Katrina's toll (hat tip dsurface) Hopefully that toll won't be as high as we feared. 8:44:21 AM permalink8:44:21 AM | |
To Fire Brown or not to fire Brown DC Media Girl has the showdown between Power Line and Malkin. 8:01:03 AM permalink8:01:03 AM | |
James Wolcott From Blame Game to Numbers Game 7:57:14 AM permalink7:57:14 AM | |
Mike's Blog Round Up IntoxiNation: NewsMax spins and gets busted. |
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