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The BAC All Worship [Rapture/Not Jesus] JimJones

Deadly BACs All Worship JimJones? No its bleemin' memes
first a word from your sponsor, that rock upstairs...
"Remember Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple incident? Jones started out in his youth infected with a fairly standard version of fundamentalist Christianity. Later this belief was replaced with--or mutated into--as strange a mix of socialism, Maoist communism, and personal lunacy as you are likely to find. Jones first promoted his new beliefs from within the organized outer shell of his previous one. He moved those he had infected from Indianapolis to Oakland, and than to an isolated patch of jungle. Jones and his group kept cycling ideas between the leader and his followers. There was little correction from reality, and, like a wild rumor, the memes got weirder at every cycle. Eventually, these beliefs (more accurately the mental structures built or programmed by these memes within the minds of Jones and his followers) reached the point where they had so much influence over them that their personal survival became an insignificant influence.The mass suicide was an unusual (and thus newsworthy) episode. But history records a number of similar incidents, with similar memetic origins. The Children's Crusades of the Middle Ages and the mass starvation in the 1850's of the Xhosa in South Africa are typical examples. Mass suicide episodes do not seem rational from either a memetic or genetic viewpoint. But they make sense as a consequence of human susceptibility to beliefs that happen to have fatal outcomes. They are close analogs of diseases that overkill their victims--like Dutch elm disease. "
==================oops, couln't resist////////////
Some mental agents are "wired in". The most obvious ones pull ourhands back from hot things. Others are not so obvious, but one which hasconsiderable study is often called "the inference engine." Split brainresearch has established it to be physically located in the left brain ofmost people, close to or overlapping the speech area. This module seemsto be the source of inferences that organize the world into a consistentwhole. The same hardware seems to judge externally presented memes forplausibility. This piece of mental hardware is, at the same time, thewellspring of advances, and the source of vast error. ----- *The newmodels even offer an explanation for that difficult problem, the originof consciousness. Each agent is too simple to be conscious, butconsciousness incidentally emerges as a property of the interconnectionsof these agents. In Society of Mind, Marvin Minsky uses the analogy thatconsciousness emerges from non-conscious elements just as the property ofconfinement emerges from six properly arranged boards, none of which (byitself) has any property of confinement. (And you thought Ids and Egoswere complicated.) Being able to infer, that is to find new relations in the way theworld is organized, and being able to learn inferences from others mustrank among our most useful abilities. Unfortunately, outputs of thispiece of mental hardware are all too often of National Enquirer quality. Unless reined in by hard-to-learn mental skills, this part of our mindscan lead us into disaster. Experiments detailing the kinds of seriouserrors this mental module makes can be found in Human Inference byNesbitt and Ross and in The Social Brain by Michael Gazzaniga. //Gazzaniga demonstrated the activity of the inference engine module withsome very clever experiments on split brain patients. By the modulefailing, we can clearly see how it is doing the best it can withinsufficient data. What Gazzaniga did is to present each side of the brain with a simpleconceptual problem. The left side saw a picture of a claw, and the rightside saw a picture of a snow scene. A variety of cards was place infront of the patient who was asked to pick the card which went with whathe saw. The correct answer for the left hemisphere was a picture of achicken. For the right half-brain it was a show shovel. "After the two pictures are flashed to each half-brain, the subjects are required to point to the answers. A typical response is that of P.S., who pointed to the chicken with his right hand and the shovel with the left. After his response I asked him 'Paul, why did you do that?' Paul looked up and without a moment's hesitation said from his left hemisphere, 'Oh, that's easy. The chicken claw goes with the chicken and you need a shovel to clean out the chicken shed.' "Here was the left half-brain having to explain why the left hand was pointing to a shovel when the only picture it saw was a claw. The left brain is not privy to what the right brain saw because of the brain's disconnection. Yet the patents's own body was doing something. Why was it doing that? Why was the left hand pointing to the shovel? The left-brain's cognitive system needed a theory and instantly supplied one that made sense given the information it had on this particular task . . . ." The inference engine was a milestone in our evolution. It works farmore often than it fails. But as you can see from the example, theinference engines will wring blood from a stone; you can count on itsfinding causal relations whether they exist or not. Worse yet, theinference engine probably can't detect when it doesn't have enough data. Even if it could, it has no way to tell that to the verbal (conscious)self.// end // too boring, 20+ years old; skipped for some future temple cornerstone or rubbish
Brainstorming strategy: Don’t settle for the first idea When looking for solutions to problems, we humans have an unfortunate tendency to embrace the first solution that comes to mind. That can be counterproductive, but it can also blind us to more creative, effective and ultimately more profitable solutions, according to Jeffrey Baumgartner.
When brainstorming, don't give in to limited thinkingWhen we are trying to dream up ideas for a particular problem, we have a tendency to look at the limitations and focus our ideation on ideas that meet the demands of our limitations. Here's some advice from Jeffrey Baumgartner on how to overcome this thinking trap.
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Making Innovation Work : How to Manage It, Measure It, and Profit from It by Tony Davila, Marc J. Epstein, Robert Shelton
The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures by Frans Johansson
Harvard Business Review on Innovation by Clayton Christensen
Get Back in the Box : Innovation from the Inside Out by Douglas Rushkoff

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